Friday, June 26, 2015

[Fwd] 把25美元電腦 Raspberry Pi 變成任天堂遊戲機,看改裝魔人怎麼做?

5d9fc9f06de51c7159b36041fad84c9b在一些巧匠能手買到 25美元電腦 Raspberry Pi 後,除了開箱以外,有人幫它做了外殼,也有人把它變成超級任天堂主機。名為 Florian 的老兄在部落格上發表文章,告訴大家改造方法,還放了一段實際玩「瑪利歐賽車(Super Mario Kart)」的影片。
首先來看一下把 Raspberry Pi 改造成超級任天堂主機後,玩「瑪利歐賽車(Super Mario Kart)」的影片。從影片中可以看到,以 Raspberry Pi 取代了超任主機,但仍然使用正牌的超任手把。
要把 Raspberry Pi 改造成超任主機,首先要面臨選擇那一個 Linux 發行版本的問題,以確保音效可以正常輸出。接著就是要決定使用那一款超任模擬器,有一位名為 ToadKing 的高手已經把 RetroArch 模擬器成功改為 Raspberry Pi 可用的版本,所以就直接拿來用了。
另外一個問題是,怎麼讓正牌的超任手把跟 Raspberry Pi 連結?雖然可以透過轉接器(如下圖)讓超任手把以 USB 介面和 Raspberry Pi 連接,但把 Raspberry Pi 的 USB 用掉了,怎麼同時接鍵盤或滑鼠呢?而且這種「偷懶」行為豈是改裝魔人願意做的? 
▲ 圖片來源:Amazon
所以 Florian 把腦筋動到 Raspberry Pi 上面的「GPIO 通用型之輸入輸出 (General Purpose I/O))」,從下圖可以看到 GPIO 的位置。Florian 寫了一支小程式,用來把超任手把的按鍵訊號,傳達到 Raspberry Pi 裡面。
下圖的左上方接頭會插到 Raspberry Pi 的 GPIO 針腳;右上方是 PCB 板,用來解讀超任手把的按鍵訊號;下方則是兩個超任手把的接頭。
接著把 DIY 好的手把連接套件接上 Raspberry Pi。
如果有其他神人可以做出外殼放進 Raspberry Pi,而且外殼上面挖洞嵌入超任手把的連接頭,加上 Raspberry Pi 原本就有的 HDMI 接頭,一台遊戲主機就出現啦!(大誤~)

同場加映:Raspberry Pi 的木質外殼

改裝達人 Ben Heck 把腦筋動到很有可塑性的 Raspberry Pi 上面,用木頭做了外殼,不止如此,這個外殼剛好可以嵌入一把鍵盤,變成一台鍵盤電腦。

[Fwd] Emulator now runs x86 apps on all Raspberry Pi models

Eltechs’s faster ExaGear Desktop software version now supports ARMv6, in addition to ARMv7, letting users run x86 apps on all models of the Raspberry Pi.

Russia-based Eltechs announced its ExaGear Desktop virtual machine last August, enabling Linux/ARMv7 SBCs and mini-PCs to run x86 software. That meant that users of the quad-core, Cortex-A7-based Raspberry Pi 2 Model B, could use it as well, although the software was not yet optimized for it.

Now Eltechs has extended ExaGear to support earlier ARMv6 versions of the Raspberry Pi. The company also optimized the program for the Pi 2. For example, Pi 2 users can now use automatically forwarding startup scripts, according to Eltechs CEO Vadim Gimpelson in an email to LinuxGizmos.

In August, Eltechs said ExaGear Desktop ran 4.5 times faster than the open source QEMU VM. With new performance improvements, the software is 5 to 10 percent faster, or about five times faster than QEMU, claims Gimpelson. In addition, the new version now enables guest applications to use the host’s PulseAudio sound server.

The key to the Pi 2 enhancements was that the software, which was previously optimized for Ubuntu, now fully supports Debian, including the Debian-based Raspbian. The host system can now run Ubuntu 12.04 or higher, Debian 7, or Raspbian. The new release had also added guest images for Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu 14.04, and Debian 7.

In addition to supporting the Raspberry Pi, the software runs on Linux-based platforms including Odroid, Cubieboard, CuBox, Utilite, Jetson TK1, Wandboard, and Banana Pi, among others. ExaGear Desktop can also run on an ARM-based Chromebook. As before, running Windows programs is possible by also installing the Wine emulator.

Further information

The new fully Raspberry Pi compatible version of ExaGear Desktop is available now. The software is priced at $24.95 for the Raspberry Pi 2, and $19.95 for the Pi, but both versions are currently on sale for $14.95 and $9.95, respectively. More information may be found the Eltechs website ( ... eatures-and-prices/).

Source: ... aspberry-pi-models/

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